Astaldi (Italy), Ictaas (Turkey)
General Designer:
ZAO Institut Stroyproekt
Design Works:
Mission of Setec Inginiring:
- Expert evaluation and checking calculations of the bridge design
- Obtaining approval of the chosen technical solution
- Checking the foundations and the cross-sections of the bridge
- Assistance during the wind-tunnel tests of the bridge model
- Dynamic calculations of the wind loads on the bridge
- Consulting in relation to specific bridge elements (dampers, deflectors, anchorages)
Characteristics of the Bridge:
The cable-stayed bridge across the KorabelnyFairway connects the banks of the Neva estuary and constitutes a part of the Western Speed Diameter, the motorway of the future. This is a 620 long three-span cable-stayed bridge. The spans are 150m, 320 m and 150m long respectively. The distance between the cables is 18 m. The 39 m wide deck has a combined structure and consists of the longitudinal metal beams which are 2.5 m high and a concrete slab which is 25 cm thick. The height of the main pylons is 125 m above sea level.
Description, Design Solutions and Challenges:
The special features of the bridge structure include a large angle of inclination of the pylons (12°), the width of the bridge deck, (about 40 m., 8lanes) and considerable spaces between the cables (18 m).
These characteristics require an accurate dimensioning of the cable-stayed structure (distance between the cables, adjustment and cable anchorage) which made it necessary for Setec TPI, acting as an independent expert, to make scrupulous and comprehensive checking calculations. In particular, Setec TPImade the dynamic calculations of the wind loads on the basis of the results of the wind tunnel tests carried out in the CSTB laboratory in Nantes.